The Foundation for Exceptional Warriors
Serve Together - Heal Together
The FEW hunts New Zealand with South Pacific Safaris
Our Mission
The Exceptional Warrior’s mission is to provide world-class, cost-free adventure based opportunities to our Nation’s Exceptional Warriors. Serve Together – Heal Together.
The FEW’s Impact
Since 2012 we have put thousands of Exceptional Warriors in the field throughout the United States, Canada, France, Africa and New Zealand, using adventure to unite peers and promote healing at absolutely no cost to our Nation’s Heroes. In 2020, our mission, like so many others, came to a halt with COVID restrictions. In 2021, we once again got back to work for our Exceptional Warriors.
Your donations make this possible. 95% of all donations go towards our mission. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has recognized The FEW as meeting the highest standards of public accountability and program effectiveness.